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Oxfam works in more than 90 countries, in collaboration with 3,200 partner organisations, to end inequality and injustice. We reach 25 million women, men and children every year through development, emergency aid and awareness-raising projects.

1 in 3 people in the world live in poverty.

Oxfam is a citizen-led movement that aims to change this situation by fighting inequality.


Together, we defend rights and values, but we also develop concrete and innovative solutions to real problems. With visible results.

Discover the testimonials of people we work with

Supporting workers’ rights and gender equality in Laos

A small group of Oxfam donors travelled to Laos to see with their own eyes Oxfam’s projects in this Southeast Asian country. Oxfam Belgium is particularly involved in Laos, where we support projects related to the defence of workers’ rights, gender equality, social protection, and support for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Helping African women create their own micro-enterprises

A quarter of working-age women in Africa are creating micro-enterprises. These are the world’s greatest entrepreneurs! But to achieve this, they face a real fight. Oxfam partners help them start up their businesses. People like Addise, a honey producer in Ethiopia, and Henriette, head of a cooperative producing cosmetics based on shea butter in Burkina Faso. “When Oxfam started an entrepreneurship project in my town, I immediately seized my chance. Before, I had no income of my own. By selling honey, I was able to open my own bank account.” – Addise, entrepreneur.

Climate crisis: promoting access to water in Pakistan

It is the people of poor countries who are paying the high price of the climate crisis, even though they are the least responsible for it. Countries like Pakistan, where the climate crisis is causing water scarcity and exacerbating hunger, poverty and inequality. Oxfam has had a presence in Pakistan since 2002. Thanks to our local partners, we support women in their emancipation, so that they become spokespersons for their communities in the face of unscrupulous landowners grabbing water resources. Women like Sara Solangi, who received leadership training from an Oxfam partner. “The water doesn’t reach us any more, because the landowners built dams upstream of the river. This is killing our crops and livestock. We denounced these practices, because this water belongs to us too”. – Sara Solangi, Pakistan.